The Romans called it "Deserta Langarum," we call it Langa, or rather Alta Langa, because the hills here reach up to 900 meters and, from their peaks, you can see the sea and the snow-capped Alps. Great wines don't dare go so far high, infact this is the kingdon of pastures, chestnuts and silence. Here, up to 700 meters, hazelnuts reign supreme.
In the heart of this green island there’s Cravanzana, "the hazelnut village," with its 6 millions smq of hazelnut groves that resemble enchanted woods and which surround the ancient castle.
From Cravanzana, going down towards the Belbo River, where the steep slope flattens out a little bit before throwing itself headlong back towards the stream, there's a hamlet called Moglie, a small sunny rural district overlooking majestic limestone rocks and impervious, secular woods.
We've lived amidst these landscapes for generations. Here our family has, over the centuries, cared for the land, slowly bringing it, without violence to the environment, from traditional agriculture to exclusive hazelnut cultivation.


In winter we we take care of every single plant, in spring we watch them burst into bright green with eyes full of hope. In early summer we prepare the soft bed where the fruit will fall. In September, at harvest time, we collect them and take them to our brand new and modern laboratory to select only the best ones, dry them to the right degree, to transform them.


The passion we've put into the fields now becomes energy aimes at an absolutely natural product, that is simply "Cravanzana Hazelnut," or rather, "Moglie Hazelnut," without any added elements, substances, or ingredients that might compromise its purity.
As our enchanted forest gave them to us, we offer them to the “taster” who can be reflected in the perfect roundness of the fruit, who can be fascinated by its scent, who can close his eyes and delight in its intense and incomparable taste.
This is our mission: to give back to the world a pure taste, available in many forms, from whole nuts to flour, from grains to ice cream paste, but a taste that, due to the inscrutable designs of nature, is born only here, on our hills. And we want to give it back just as we find it in the hazelnut groves that surround our home.



    Nadia +39 339 8593261 
    Renato +39 338 5820944 
       9:00 - 12:00 / 14:00 - 18:00
       Saturday - Sunday:
       by appointment 
Via Moglie 28, Cravanzana (CN)

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